Disclaimer & Risk

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Disclaimer & Risk

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BlockSAFU.com including but not limited to the overall project, token, website, smart contracts and any apps BSAFU as presented in this conceptual paper is not a licensed, unlicensed or exempted financial or payment service of any kind and in any jurisdiction.
Any terminology used in this Whitepaper, on the Website or within the app is intended only as a basic reference, without any elective or legal meaning of the same terms in a regulated and/or financial environment.
The BlockSAFU.com smart contracts are open-source, security and audited. The BSAFU token is strictly a utility token in all jurisdictions and is not and cannot be considered to be a security or otherwise regulated token of any kind.
BlockSAFU.com is not in any way e-money and/or fiat money, or an asset backed.
By purchasing BSAFU Token, you agree you are aware of the risks associated with smart contracts and hold the team harmless and not liable for any losses or taxes you may incur. Trading cryptocurrencies poses considerable risk of loss.
You should always invest what you can afford to lose. Future development should not be considered that it will be delivered on the exact time as presented. Always do your own research before you invest.
Please note that there are always risks associated with smart contracts. Please use at your own risk. BSAFU Token is not a registered broker, analyst or investment advisor. Everything provided in this material is purely for guidance, information and education purposes. All information contained herein must be independently verified and confirmed. BSAFU Token is not responsible for any loss or damage caused by reliance on such information or services. Please be aware of the risks associated with any trade made in any financial market. Dont trade with money you cant afford to lose. When in doubt, you should consult a qualified financial advisor before making any investment decisions.