Scam Information

Pepe Chain (PepeChain)

Total Scam

$ 19,000


bsc BSC


Detail Scam

Tocken: 0x3A3265db4dE6Cfe2083d2bDCCD7791C9cadbA221 Only certain addresses buy and sell this coin, thus increasing the price. This happens between 70 - 100 purchases/sales and lasts approximately only 60 minutes, then the liquidity is withdrawn and the value drops to 0. This scam has already been carried out by the trading addresses with at least 101 other coins. And this is the address that finances it: 0xd959FAA53914d150E695CAA32eE5aFe5048cbE70 which in turn is financed by this address: 0x312d9cB02f690Cbb86919Fe56127539b22194BA8

Contract Address
Social media links
No social media found
Reported on
Scam Function
Trade on PancakeSwap Pair: 0x671f30dface55344c8f7e27b019342ced720af78 Liquidity withdrawal
Flag: Critical